pernahkah anda terfikir condom yg dijadikan baju.. hehehe..
sape sangke, owg slalu pk kondom utk dipakai kaum lelaki semasa melakukan hubungan sex je.. tetapi, skg ni owg pmpn pn pkai kondom gak..
di negara China, mereka mnjalankan kempen Safe Sex dgn mempamerkan pelbagai jenis condom dan mempamerkan pelbagai jenis pakaian yg diperbuat daripada kondom..
mereka berharap agar kempen ini menyedarkan psgn2 bhgie yg blum brkahwin atau tidak mahukan anak, atau kpd yg melanggani pelacur supaya mereka terselamat dr penyakit kelamin atau penyakit merbahaya sprt aids jika mereka menggunakan kondom semasa melakukan hbgn sex..
namun, kepada mereka yg bragama Islam, ingtlah..dlm agama Islam.. hbgn sex bebas dilarang sama skali.. ditegah dlm Islam.. mereka hnye boleh melakukan hbgn sex jika ikatan perkahwinan telah sah antara mereka..
gmba menunjukkan antara pakaian yg diperbuat drpd kondom.
COKLAT. Ia satu hadiah yang istimewa untuk diri sendiri. Ia juga satu hidangan yang diketengahkan untuk pelbagai majlis keraian - baik hari jadi mahupun majlis perkahwinan.
Coklat umpama membawa mesej yang berkata, ‘Terima kasih’, ‘Saya cintakan kamu’ dan ‘Ia khas untuk diri saya’.
Makan coklat adalah satu langkah memanjakan diri. Sungguhpun bagi sesetengah individu coklat memberikan ketenangan dan menggembirakan kita, ia harus diambil secara sederhana.
Coklat mengeluarkan endorphins yang membuat kita rasa gembira. Makan seberapa banyak dan kerap, coklat bukanlah ketagihan. Pemakanannya boleh dihentikan pada bila-bila masa.
Hakikatnya, ramai menggemari coklat. Namun disebabkan tahyul yang lama tertanam dalam masyarakat, perasaan bersalah sering menghantui setiap kali kita menikmatinya. Anda mungkin tidak percaya sekiranya diberitahu kebanyakan laporan mengenai kesan negatif coklat disebabkan maklumat kurang tepat. Hasil penyelidikan terkini mendapati coklat berciri positif yang unik. Maka, kita harus mengubah tanggapan umum yang tidak tepat ini.
Fakta 1: Coklat tidak menyebabkan jerawat. Antara kepercayaan karut paling umum ialah coklat menyebabkan jerawat, terutama di kalangan remaja. Ini sama sekali tidak benar. Maklumat sekian lama jelas membuktikan bahawa coklat tidak menyebabkan jerawat. Sebaliknya, amalan pemakanan yang kurang baik, punca utama jerawat, tetapi kita lebih mudah menyalahkan coklat.
Fakta 2: Coklat tidak menggemukkan
Isu sebenarnya, apabila kita makan berlebihan. Perangkaan terbaru dari seluruh dunia menunjukkan, bilangna orang gemuk kian ramai. Makan sederhana, termasuk coklat, diiringi senaman kardiovaskular, adalah rahsia mengekalkan berat badan sihat. Yang penting, tahap kecergasan, bukan hanya kehilangan berat badan. Doktor dan pakar pemakanan adalah orang yang terbaik untuk mamberi nasihat mengenai pengurusan berat badan.
Fakta 3: Penghidap diabetes boleh makan coklat
Produk khusus untuk pesakit diabetes tidak menawarkan sebarang kelebihan kepada mereka dibandingkan dengan makanan biasa. Justeru, penghidap diabetes boleh menikmati coklat, tetapi secara sederhana, mengikut nasihat pakar pemakanan.
Fakta 4: Coklat tidak sebabkan karies gigi
Apabila anda mengalami sakit gigi yang teruk dan sedang menunggu berjumpa doktor gigi, coklat perkara terakhir bermain dalam fikiran. Namun jangan terburu-buru membuat kesimpulan, fikir dahulu faktanya.Kerosakan gigi disebabkan pelbagai faktor dan hakisan enamel pada gigi adalah proses dinamik. Asid yang terhasil daripada pecahan karbohidrat makanan di dalam mulut menyebabkan hakisan ini.
Amalan menjaga kebersihan mulut dan pemflouridan air terbukti dapat mengurangkan karies di sesetengah negara, walaupun pengambilan gula tetap sama atau meningkat. Satu lagi berita baik, tanin pada koko mungkin membantu mencegah karies dengan mengurangkan pertumbuhan plak, manakala asid oksalik dalam coklat dikatakan dapat mengurangkan pengeluaran asid.
Kini anda boleh terus makan coklat dan senyum tanpa segan silu. Tetapi jangan lupa berus gigi.
Fakta 5: Coklat tidak sebabkan sakit jantung
Dalam kes sakit jantung, coklat juga sering dipersalahkan. Punca utama peningkatan kes sakit jantung di Malaysia ialah gaya hidup kurang sihat dan kurang cergas. Merokok, kurang bersenam, pemakanan tidak seimbang dan berlemak tepu adalah penyebab sebenarnya. Sebaliknya, coklat mengandungi antioksidan, dikenali sebagai fenol, yang mungkin mampu mengurangkan tahap kepadatan lipoprotein (kolesterol LDL). Hasil kajian terkini menunjukkan bahawa asid stearik pada mentega koko atau lemak dalam coklat tidak memberi kesan kepada kolesterol darah.
arini exam bi aku rse plg trok antr UAK yg aku amik.. skali lg aku klua awl.. aku tak tau ape yg aku tulis.. essay aku tu, essay plg trok pnh aku wat.. demam, skt kpl, batok n selsema kembali menyerang aku.. demam aku mcm pagi iye ok.. pastu dlm tgh hr iye dtg blk smp mlm.. dh la esok ade kuiz PN aku tak tau aku leh jwb ke tak sbb aku penink sgt skg ni.. demam blk..
kali ni agak sedey gak..aku owg pertame klua dr dewan exm tu..25minit je aku dh siap.kepale aku penink sgt, demam, batok2 lak tu..pastu lctrr tnye, " awk dh siap ke, awk ok tak ni"aku jwb "sy tak brp sehat cik, ape sy jwb pn sy xtawu"tape la, awk boleh blk..aku pn klua dgn rase brsalah, kerana seperti acuh tak acuh dgn exam, aku peduli ape..drpd aku menanggung seksa dok kt ctu, baek aku blk bilik..rehatkan bdn aku..skang aku nk tdo, esok kul 4 pagi nk bgn..nk stdy BI ckit..aku harap esok aku ok ckit dr hr ni..
alhamdulillah..exam titas dh lepas..tak sangke soalan spot yg aku dapat sebijik dgn ape yg klua..tak sia2 aku m'hdp soalan tu je..start kul 10.30am..kul 11.05 aku dh siap..hehehe...dlm keadaan pening,batok yg dh mcm owg tue, selsema pn aku leh skg, aku dh xlarat nk stdy utk exam pengurusan gerko mlm ni..dh la tak sentuh ape pn lg psl xm PG ni..rsau, skg aku nk tdo dlu..nnt lps asar nk bgn..stdy ckit2..insyaAllah..gudluck sume utk mlm ni.. =)
Kepada semua guru Pelatih PISMP Semester 1 IPGM KDRI, pejam pnye pejam, celik pnye celik..
dh msk bln 5.. bese bln 5 ni mmg dh dkt2 exam ler.. time ni owg dh mule stdy..mentelaah itu ini.. tp aku tak pn, sbb krg sehat la...hidung tersumbat,batok tak abes2..kpl ni penink je, mate pns.. tp nsb ade sowg insan yg bg aku smgt suwoh stdy, aku pn kuatkan smgt utk stdy..aku sayang sgt kt die.. hr ni kte semua akn menghadapi ujian akhir kursus yang mane, maktab lain dh jwb dh pn..mktb kte je ktglan..hehehe..
pape pn gudluck utk sume..
aku tawu kowg sume leh wat.. same2 la kte brdoa supaya Allah berikan kejayaan utk kte.. =)
Bila seronok, aku cari....pasanganku Bila sedih, aku cari....Mak Bila berjaya, aku ceritakan pada....pasanganku Bila gagal, aku ceritakan pada....Mak Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat....pasanganku Bila berduka, aku peluk erat....Emakku Bila nak bercuti, aku bawa....pasanganku Bila sibuk, aku hantar anak ke rumah....Mak Bila sambut valentine.. Aku bagi hadiah pada pasanganku Bila sambut hari ibu...aku cuma dapat ucapkan "Selamat Hari Ibu" Selalu.. aku ingat pasanganku Selalu.. Mak ingat kat aku Bila-bila... aku akan talipon pasanganku Entah bila... aku nak talipon Mak Selalu...aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku Entah bila... aku nak belikan hadiah untuk Emak Renungkan: "Kalau kau sudah habis belajar dan berkerja... bolehkah kau kirim wang untuk Mak? Mak bukan nak banyak... lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah".
Berderai air mata jika kita mendengarnya........
Tapi kalau Mak sudah tiada.......... MAKKKKK...RINDU MAK.... RINDU SANGAT....
Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya.... berapa ramai yang sanggup mencuci muntah ibunya..... berapa ramai yang sanggup. mengantikan lampin ibunya..... berapa ramai yang sanggup..... membersihkan najis ibunya....... berapa ramai yang sanggup....... membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya.... berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjaga ibunya.....
Dan akhir sekali berapa ramai yang sembahyang JENAZAH ibunya......
Reader’s Digest had SCOURED THE GLOBE to find the latest, greatest ideas and inventions, and here’s what they found: 33 inspired new ways to make your life easier, safer and better. Learn about smog-clearing concrete and retractable heels, wireless electricity, even a fire-fighting robot and snow socks for your car. A brighter tomorrow is here today.
Ask a salt aficionado what’s shakin’ in the gourmet market and he’ll probably mention SaltWorks’ sea salt smoked with alder wood or Chardonnay oak. But we’d gladly trade the fancy stuff for plain oldsalt that’ll sprinkle free and easy on a hot summer day. Regular salt crystals are shaped like cubes; when they get even just a little moist, their edges dissolve and the grains bind together. Researchers in India have found that by mixing a tiny bit of glycine, an amino acid, with sodium chloride, they can create 12-sided, nearly spherical crystals that’ll roll off one another like marbles, even in humid conditions. Now that’s a breakthrough we’d like to put on the table.
A new material called Plantic offers an earth-friendly alternative to the petrochemical plastic used in food packaging. Plantic looks and feels like its synthetic cousin, only it’s made from starch, so you can toss it into the compost bin or bury it in the garden. Want to get rid of it even quicker? Pour water on it and watch it dissolve
Forgot to recharge your mobile phone? Someday it may be able to recharge itself. Scientist at MIT have figured out a way to beam electricity across a room and run electronic devices without wires. To produce wireless electricity, or WiTricity, a transmitter creates an electromagnetic field, powering up anything from a TV to a light bulb within a two-meter range.
Doing your business is serious business in Japan with three new high –tech toilets. The intelligence Toilet, which retails for $3300 and up, checks sugar level in your urine and sends the data to your PC over a home network. The portable Wrappon, $1250, which comes with a remote control, seals waste inside diaper-like bags in a bin below the seat. And the Alauno, $2900, made of stain-resistant glass, packs its own scrubbing bubbles, helping its spiral-shaped siphon flush clean while also conserving water.
The Twist & Spout is so simple it’s brilliant. Attach it to the mouth of regular two-liter bottle, and presto, you’ve got a watering can! A smaller kitchen version of the gizmo, designed by Nicholas Le Moigne of Switzerland, makes it easier to dispense a round of Sprite. It’s available in two sizes for $5 each at
The Netherlands
There’s new trend in Dutch architecture: houses that float. The need to build on all available land-lakefronts, riverbanks, areas below sea level- to accommodate the country’s growing population has many developers embracing the concept. The typical amphibious home has a hollow concrete foundation that acts like the hull of ship, rising and falling with the tides. The structure is connected to mooring posts that keep it from drifting away. In an alternative “ecoboat” design by retired engineering professor Frits Schoute, wind and wave energy would be used to heat the home and filter seawater for drinking.
Disinfecting wipes are great, but what if they could tell you exactly what’s living on your kitchen counters? Researchers at Cornell University have created a special fabric that, when immersed in fatty solution, changes colour if you’ve picked up E.coli bacteria. In the future, this technology could be used to detect other types of biohazards.
High-risk cardiac patients, take heart: Researchers have developed a personal monitor that can call for help in an emergency. The Wearable Cardiac Telemedicine prototype keeps tabs on your ticker by continuously conducting its own electrocardiogram. It uses Bluetooth, a short-range wireless link, to transmit the data to a mobile phone programmed to analyze the information. If the data indicates a problem, the phone send a text message to a nearby hospital so you can get treated quickly.
Zurich garbage-can manufacturer BrÜco Swiss is doing its part to combat the global terrorism threat. Should someone decide to drop a bomb into the aptly named Littershark Protectus, its sleek shape and reinforced-steel construction would direct the force of the blast upward, limiting the collateral damage to a two-meter radius, according to tests conducted by S
wiss defence experts. The bin, in wide use in its home country, is now marketed around the world as a safer receptacle for popular thoroughfares such as the Champs-Elysees in Paris.
Most people probably think they can do CPR. But the procedure is tricky, and performing it correctly can mean the difference betweeen life and death. The CPRGlove leaves a lot less room for error. The device, which w
as invented by two engineering students from Ontario and will soon be undergoing clinical trials, is packed with circuits and sensors that guide you on the depth and pace of your compressions, and can signal you when it's time to do mouth-to-mouth.
The Finns have it all:
Lapland, Marimekko - and mobile phones that work like debit cards. A new technology developed by Nokia and its partners lets you download virtual cash into your mobile. You can then buy train tickets or pay for parking b
y swiping the handset past a reader. In the city of Oulu, seniors can even order home-delivered meals by tapping their phones againts the menu.
Designer Olivia Ong's gold dress makes more than a fashion statement: It fights the flu. For her Glitterati line, Ong used cotton coated in silver, a natural antibacterial agent, so it blocks germs that can make you sick. Talk about the high price of fashion: The Cornell researchers wh
o engineered the nanotech fabric say it cost $10,000 per square yard to make. At least you'd save on dry cleaning. The metallic finish also keeps the dress from getting dirty.
It used to be that you'd have to hang a white sheet in the backyard to host movie night f
or a bunch of friends. Now there's FogScreen, a $79,950 machine that creates a display out of thin air. Much like a cool-air humidifier, the
system blasts tap wate
r with ultrasonic waves to produce a half-inch-thick curtain of dry mist that you can project still or moving images onto. If you install the machine 2.5 meters off the ground, it'll create a three-meter display. At that size you could invite the entire neighbourhood - and charge admission.
WHY DON'T YOU TAKE MY CARD? lets you tell someone you're interested without risking too mush (like outright rejection to your face). The website sells tickets that you can hand out to potential mates you encounter in the real world. The recipient can use the access code to view your online profile and in
itiate contact - or not. No names or mobile phone numbers need to be revealed unless and until you're ready to take it to the next level.
The Espresso machine by on Dermand Books, a company cofounded by former Random House editorial director Jason Epstein, can print and bind a paperback book in 4 minutes. So far, the library has some 200,000 titles no longer under copyright protection - Melville's Moby-Dick, for example, and Potter's The Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Early versions of the machine have been field-tested
at libraries in New York and Alexandria, Egypt. A smaller, sleeker, more retail friendly version is due out next year. With production costs estimated at a penny per page, consumers could end up saving big bucks.
You don't have to be rich town a professional soccer team - as long as you're
willing to share equal ownership with more than 50,000 other people. While it's still accepting new members, has already collected nearly $3 million in fees. The next step will be to use that money to purchase a team and then run it like a democracy (key club decisions will be put to a vote). Join now and there's still time to weigh in on which club to buy. Top Choice, last we checked: Leeds United.
Designed by the brother-and-sister team David and Lauren Handel, CAMiLEON Heels can drop nearly two inches in seconds: you simply pull, tuck and lock the lower part of the heel, which contains a steel rod, inside a hidden cavity under the arch, and the 3 ¼ - inch stilettos you wore to work are down to a more manageable 1 ½ - inches for the commute home. stocks nine different styles, from the Alessia sling backs to Camelia Mary Janes. The Grazia pointy - toe pumps, made in Italy of soft Napa leather, are $295.
The Netherlands
The Electric Slide may be making a comeback. The dance floor at the future nightclub MyTown, conceived by Dutch firms Enviu and Doll as the world's first "sustainable dance club" will be rigged to recapture the energy generated by dancing feet. The harvested wattage will keep the floor's coloured lights flashing - while giving the notion of sustainable living and some hipster cred. The club, scheduled to open in 2008, will also draw power from rooftop wind turbines and solar panels. Toilets will flush with rainwater, and patrons' empty organic-beer bottles will be recycled as wall decor.
When you want to say I love you in a song, can help you serenade your sweetheart. The company sells customised tunes that are recorded by professionals according to your specifications, for $99 and up.Choices range from piano ballads to folk waltzes to R & B. Simply select a song, then add names and other personal details to the lyrics. Recording are completed in 1-2 weeks and can be downloaded as MP3 files or burned onto a CD.
The hybrid is old news. Fuel cells? Bah. How about a zero-emissions vehicle that runs on compressed air? MDI of France has announced that its Air Car, invented by CEO and founder Guy Negre, will debut in India and France in late 2008. Over time, various models will be introduced, offering 2-, 4- and 6-cylinder engines at prices ranging from $4800 to $12,900. The OneCAT, the first out of the gate, fits up to 5 passengers and can go as far as 500 miles on the highway with one fill-up, and as fast as 68 mph. Just plug in the car at home and the built-in compressor will refill the tank in 4 hours. For more information, visit
Optimus Prime has nothing on this transforming truck. The Hotelmovil, built on a trailer, converts into a 42 square-meter building big enough to sleep 44 people.
Once it's parked, detach the cab and press a button on the remote; 30 minutes later, you've got 8 bedrooms and 3 suites on 2 stories with an upper deck, bathrooms, big screen TVs and other amenities. You can rent one of these mobile bunkhouses, available next year,for the weekend for $8000 and have a family reunion. If you're enterprising buy one and then set up shop wherever there's big event and no more rooms at the inn. All you'll need is half a million dollars and you'll be in business.
How hot is that latte? Like baby spoons that change colour when dipped into a dish of microwaved mashed peas, the Smart Lid changes from coffee brown to red when placed over a steaming cuppa joe. To help prevent spills, the lid's bottom ring also turns red when not securely fastened. The tops are expected to start popping up in U.S delis and doughnut shops by the end of the year.
You've heard it before: Biketo work, save the planet. getting to the office under your carbon footprintand promotes good health - which makes you more productive at work, so your employer wins too. That's why the Burke Group, a civil engineering firm in Rosement, Illinois, pays 48.5 cents a mile and offers other incentives - such as free passes to a nearby gym so you can shower and freshen up - to encourage employees to leave the car at home.
Stuck in the snow? Wrap your tyres in Autosocks and you'll be back on the road in no time. The high-tech fabric's individual fibres are arranged to increase friction and improve grip on the slipperiest of surfaces. And you don't have to jack up the car to put these covers on: Just spin your wheels and you're ready to roll. Invented by a group of Norwegians seeking an alternative to snow chains - chief inventor Bard Lotveit's grandmother used to wear socks over her shoes to walk on ice - Autosocks are now available in 14 countries around the world for about $100 a pair. To find a dealer, check out
A new cement coating developed by Italcementi takes smog right out of the air. The material, called TX Active, contains titanium dioxide when exposed to light. The polution eater, which can be painted on buildings, bridges and streets, also keeps surfaces white and bright.
Now you can raise money for your favourite charity just by surfing the Net. Every time you search the Web at, one cent goes to the nonprofit of your choice. The site uses Yahoo! Search - the second most popular search engine after Google - so you get results you can trust. Yahoo! and GoodSearch share the site's advertising revenue, generated when users click on sponsored links; GoodSearch, a forprofit philantrophy, gives away half its cut, or about one cent per search. For some beneficiaries, that's no chump change. So far, GoodSearch has helped the Save Darfur Coalition raise $3635; the ASPCA, more than $6000.
Would a funny-looking bin make you more likely to recycle your empty Coke cans? Designer Patricio Forrester's "Feed the Cow" design inspired many in Buenos Aires to dispose of plastic bottles, paper and glass more responsibly - 62 % more over three months - and now th Cow Bins have migrated to the UK. Maybe sheep are next.
In the Andalusia countryside, just outside Seville, there's a field of 600 mirrors, each one 120 square metres.
Their job: direct the sun's ray to the top of a concrete tower, where the heat turns water into steam, which is used to drive turbines that generate electricity - 11 megawatts of it, in fact, enough to power 6000 homes. The operator of this solarthermal power plant, Solucar, is working to increase the yield to ten times that so the plant can someday serve all of Seville.
Any fire department would be lucky to have the RoboGat. The robot is designed to douse flames in tunnels and other hard-to-reach places. Inventor Domenico Piatti, a fire engineer from Naples, went to work on the project after 39 people perished in the Mont Blanc Tunnel fire in 1999. Last June, Piatti successfully demonstrated his working prototype, which uses cameras and sensors to locate a fire, moves on tracks, and blasts water out of pipes that can withstand temperatures of up to 1000 degrees celsuis.
Researchers at the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University have found a new source of renewable energy: bugs (photosynthetic bacteria, to be precise). Like plants, these microbes use energy from the sun to grow, and scientists have found that the fat by products can be used to make high-energy fuel such as biodiesel. It's an appealing alternative to biofuels that come from corn, soybeans and switchgrass, which can divert land way from food and feed production, and are sometimes processed in coal-burning plants.
Giving hope to struggling entrepreneurs everywhere, French organic dairy farmers Manuel and Sandrine Rogeri are paying their debts - in cheese. The couple solicated private loans from some 70 individuals, raising more than $41,000. In exchange, the lenders will receive a share of the produce - a range of blues and Gruyeres, from both cow's and goat's milk - for six years. Get the local vintner on board and it's a party.
Energy-efficient light-emitting diodes are popping up in public spaces around the world, from Toronto city parks to the streets of Guangzhou, China.
Although LEDs can run at triple the cost of conventional lighting, they can consume 30 per cent to 90 per cent less power and can last 20 to 30 years without being replaced or even wiped clean - so there are cost saving in the long run. The city of Raleigh, North Carolina, expects that the LEDs illuminating a new 900 space parking garage will save $75,000 the first year.